By RDG CEO Clint Nessmith
It was a privilege to once again attend ACCE's Annual Conference. Thank you to ACCE for their seamless programming and to the Dallas Regional Chamber for their gracious hosting. We're already looking forward to being with our Greater Philadelphia Chamber friends (and clients!) next year when they host the convention.

While travel delays presented a challenge, the conference itself was both invigorating and insightful. Participating in two panel sessions alongside esteemed colleagues from EY Economic Development Advisory Services and DCI was a highlight, in addition to all, sitting alongside RDG’s current and recent clients’ leadership who also served as subject matter experts.

In case you missed it, the first session offered valuable insights from Charles Wood at the Greater Chattanooga Chamber and Christy Gillenwater at the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber on how chambers and EDOs are tackling public education challenges, a topic close to our hearts at RDG.

The second session included the COO of the Tulsa Regional Chamber, Justin McLaughlin, and delved into national and global marketing trends with a fascinating focus on the Tulsa Regional Chamber's innovative use of "The Outsiders" in both tourism and economic development. It's a strategy we're proud to showcase in our current fundraising campaign for the Tulsa Regional Chamber.

These panels were an ideal fit as RDG frequently partners with EY and DCI, among others, in complementary roles while tackling regional economic development issues.
For those who missed the sessions and would like to connect, please feel free to schedule a 30-minute chat via my Calendly link.
In the meantime, we hope to see many of you at the IEDC Annual Conference in September!